sábado, 15 de marzo de 2008

One more time

Ok so day two has been a lot less eventful, but air Canada has some serious issues. I called in this morning just to double check my bookings were all correct and they had me on a plane out of providence at 11 after we had confirmed about five times that I would be flying out of Boston at 1:25. Anyway, I got that all squared away before I took off for the airport, so no harm no foul. The flight went off without a hitch and my bags were checked without issue this time and without the check-in person telling me that there is no guarantee my bags will make it to chile. I arrived in Toronto around 3:00, and I’ve just been reading Jack Kerouak’s "On the Road" and hanging out, I’ll be doing that for awhile seeing as the flight’s not until midnight tonight. I am almost positive I rode an elevator in the airport with Joshua Jackson. He held the door for me, nice guy. So far so good, mom and dad have both been calling to make sure their boy is still alive…I am. I can’t wait to get into chile.

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